Eucharistic Adoration


Dimensions of Priestly Formation

Dedicated to Priestly Formation

Saint Francis de Sales Seminary blends our rich history and solid foundation with new vigor in a priestly formation model designed to help form priests for the 21st century.

The priestly formation model has four dimensions:

Summer Formation

Formation at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary is a year-round program. Each summer, seminarians participate in various apostolates and formation programs which are determined in collaboration with an individual's local diocese. Seminarians are often involved in the following:

  • Propaedeutic summer
  • Parish internship
  • Vocation office work
  • Summer youth camps
  • Parish mission trips
  • Spanish immersion
  • Institute of Priestly Formation
  • The Rome Experience
  • Lourdes service
  • Clinical Pastoral Education
  • Diaconal parish ministry

Formational Pilgrimages

Saint Francis de Sales Seminary leads theologians on an eight-day pilgrimage to Rome every four years. Highlights of this pilgrimage include:

  • St. Peter's Basilica and the other three major basilicas
  • Vatican Museum and Sistine Chapel
  • Audience with the Holy Father
  • Tour of the Pontifical North American College
  • Trips to Assisi, Subiaco, and Orvieto

Saint Francis de Sales Seminary leads theologians on a ten-day pilgrimage to the Holy Land every four years. Highlights of this pilgrimage include:

  • Jerusalem: Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Via Dolorosa
  • Nazareth: Church of the Annunciation
  • River Jordan
  • Sea of Galilee


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